Sunday, 14 November 2010

75 years celebration at Bexhill DeLa Warr

The De La Warr Pavilion is a local Grade One Listed Modernist icon which houses contemporary arts on the sea-front in Bexhill on sea.

On August Bank Holiday Monday I visited this celebration it was one of the most moving events that I have visited. The mass collected within the grounds re-creating one of the most famous images of the De La Warr Pavilion. A reflection of images in 1936.

The De La Warr Pavilion was designed by Erich Mendelsohn and Serge Chermayeff and opened in 1935 as the first public building built in the Modernist style in the UK. Constructed with steel and concrete, it posed a new and exciting challenge for its structural engineers F J Samuely and Partners who built their reputation on their association with the Pavilion. Samuely's have advised the Pavilion on the positioning of Critical Mass to ensure that the weight of the sculptures do not compromise the structure or materials of the roof space.

We arrived at the Pavilion at 2pm as part of the crowd, I positioned myself on the roof looking over the crowd singing along with the scratch orchestra in the company of Anthony Gormelys critical mass sculptures.

Anthony Gormley was born in London in 1950. After schooling at Ampleforth College, Yorkshire, he went on to complete a degree in Archaeology, Anthropology and History of Art at Trinity College, Cambridge, between the years of 1968-71. Following his graduation, Gormley travelled to India and Sri Lanka to study Buddhism for three years.

Critical Mass, one of Gormley's best known works, is an installation made up of 60 life-size cast iron body forms which will be displayed on the roof of the De La Warr Pavilion.

The artist comments: "This is the return of the lost subject to the site of Modernism. It is great to have a chance to test this piece of sculpture against the clarity of Mendelsohn and Chemayeff's English masterpiece. I am excited to see these dark forms in the elements against the sea and in direct light. It will be like a sky burial. How these masses act in space is very important. The challenge is to make the distance intimate, internal."

Latterly, I was singing Happy Birthday to this iconic builidng and thinking of the years of happiness the gave to my family and friends.

Saturday, 29 May 2010

Torquay, Buckfast Abbey and the Eden project

A view over Torquay Devon. A beautiful town on the Devonshire coastline hosting sports of every description.

Buckfast Abbey, a living monastery where the tranquility of the gardens was interrupted by the songbirds.

Buckfast Chapel showed the differences of the faith experienced at this magnificent site at Buckfastleigh.

Travelling through the Devon and Cornwall countryside is an adventure that anyone young or old would enjoy.

At Bodelva, St Austell you can wander through the steamy tropics in the largest greenhouses in the world. The Eden Project is a statement of art and architecture. A charity working to make things happen.

The Eden Project is owned by the Eden Trust, an educational charity. I visited this charity on the 18th May, the exhibits, took me back to areas that I have visited which included the Mediteranean, the Africas, and South America. The purpose of this educational feat in Cornwall is to engage, entertain and inspire the imagination of us all.

Eden’s Rainforest Biome took me on a fascinating journey of discovery into the humid tropical regions of the world, I travelled up 69 steps to the waterfalls of Argentina a prolific display of vegetation that grows there, and all the wonderful things they give us. The Rainforest Biome is an impressive piece of engineering.

It contains nearly 1,129 plants from the main rainforest regions: South-East Asia, West Africa, South America and the tropical oceanic islands, particularly the Seychelles and St Helena. Within this there are over twenty different displays, from a Malaysian Garden to a banana plantation.

Monday, 8 March 2010

Tribal Wives and others

I forgot to mention that I have other famous people within my family.

Jon my son is a film editor specialising in documentaries a collection of his works are displayed on

Jon works as part of a production team. One of the groups he worked for were present at the Emmy awards in New York 2006 and the Oscar ceremonies. Jon works to companies such as BBC, Diverse, Keo Films, Optomen Television, with Mama Cherie and Gordon Ramsay which was the programme at the Emmy awards in 2006.

And the infamous met up, Gordon Ramsay... and Jon working to Optomen and Sir Gordon Ramsey on the 13th November 2007 in Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares Optomen Television!!.

In 2009 he recently worked for Optomen on a production for BBC 2. Also Love Production, and additionally the Spring production with the very lovely, Hugh Fernely Wittenstall on Channel 4.

More recently with Diverse film productions producing Tribal Wives shown 15th June 2010 BBC 2.

Watching Secret Millionnaire on Channel 4 focusing on child carers: I sat cocooned in my pink blanket looking like a pink marshmallow-listening to the man saying this was the most moving of all the secret millionnaires-20 minutes later I am sitting there crying over Lewis and Sophie..well done Jon for bringing humanity into the front room

Another author a historian an acclaimed author of the dramatic story of:
"A Life for A Life The Real Story of Mary Ball" A NOVEL-
ISBN 3 933570 Price £19.00. Many will have read my investigation of the story of Mary Ball. This is now going to press as a second edition in paperback with Rowe Books.

The Defiance of Mary Ball by Robert Muscutt (Paperback - Jun 2011)

The Life, Trial and Hanging of Mary Ball by Robert James Muscutt (Paperback - 20 Jun 2011)

A Life for a Life: The Real Story of Mary Ball by Robert Muscutt (Hardcover - Oct 2008)

Translations from old languages (Exeter books) by Jane Earthy, W. Moelwyn Merchant and Robert Muscutt (Unknown Binding - 1967)

Penelope Price novelist and playwright. Penny's first production was performed in London in 2006, well done Penny. Penny has had a launch of her first novel at Foyles Bookshop in Central London in May 2010 we are all loooking forward to reading the book.


East Sussex Health Trust
Celebrating 100 years of Nursing
2010 A Nightingales Tale

East Sussex County Council
7th Poetry competition
2010 A Nightingales Tale (2nd edition)

Two newly submitted poems for 21 Today- Foreward Press

Published 30th September 2009
2009 'Christmas comes'
Book Title "Seasonal gifts and Natures Glories"
Book reference FBP0625A0132
Foreward Press

Published 30th June 2009
2009 'I had everything to give'
Book Title "Loves Many Mysteries"
Book reference Z002450879
Foreward Press